Collins grammer for ielts book download

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Dear students, I am here with a new book, if you are weak at grammar so this book helps you to improve your grammar. This book is based on IELTS grammar and helps you to improve your speaking and writing. Download this book and send this IELTS material with your friends.

About the author of collins grammar for IELTS

The author of Collins Grammar for IELTS is Fiona Aish & jo Tomlinson. This book is published by collins and powered by Cobuild. there are many other books by collins like IELTS vocabulary, IELTS speaking, IELTS writing, IELTS graphs, IELTS Listening, and IELTS reading. 

Collins grammer for ielts book download
Collins Grammar for IELTS book download

Collins Grammar for IELTS contains:

This book contains grammar on different topics. There are about 20 topics that are mentioned in this book. One can improve his grammar by reading and understanding this book. The main focus of this book is on tenses and punctuations. We all know that grammar is the backbone of all languages. Without improving grammar one can not learn a new language well.
This book contains exercises on all topics to practice. Use this exercise to test yourself and match the answers. This book comes with a CD, which contains audio and helps you to clearly learn grammar.

Page wise review of collins grammar for IELTS 

Collins Grammar for IELTS has 127 pages and 1 to 5 pages contains introduction for grammar and index. main-content starts from page 6 and till page 85 this has covered all 20 topics of grammar include exercise. post that from page 86 Audio script starts for all the topics that are discussed in the above pages. the script finishes on page number 102.
 from page 103 Answer key starts. these pages contain answers to all the exercises of this book. you can match your answers from these pages.

How to use collins grammar for IELTS 

This book is for those students who are beginners and very week in English grammar. according to me, if you want to improve your grammar then give more time to grammar-related books like collins grammar for IELTS. give less time to other modules and read this book carefully. slowly complete all the topics and simultaneously use these grammar rule in your other modules. 

I will upload all these IELTS material soon, so stay connected with us and share us with your friends. I am uploading IELTS new cue-cards daily with new vocabulary words so visit our website daily.

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To download this book click on the below button and you will be redirected to a link to download collins grammar for IELTS


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