Download Oxford’s Best Vocabulary book series and strengthen your English vocabulary.
Welcome to the series of top 10 best vocabulary books to improve your English vocabulary. this book we are going to discuss is the third-best vocabulary book. This book is amazing and students can easily use this book without the help of any teacher. so let’s discuss some features and characteristics of oxford word skills.
Author of Oxford Word Skills:
Oxford words skills are written by Stuart Redman and Ruth Gairns. They both are English language teachers and have been teaching English over the past 25 years. They have a huge interest in vocabulary building and development of material for study. Stuart Redman and Ruth Gairns are highly experienced teachers and they have written many coursebooks, books for teachers, and reference books.
About oxford word skills:
This is a series of three vocabulary books containing the most common English vocabulary books. the three books are categorized according to the difficulty level of the words.
- Oxford word skills Basic: Elementary and pre-elementary
- Oxford word skills Intermediate: intermediate and upper-intermediate
- Oxford word skills Advanced: Advanced level
This book includes:
Each book contains almost 80 units of Vocabulary words and each unit contains words related to different topics. Moreover, these books contain the following things:
- Exercise at the end of each unit
- Answers to the exercise at the end of the book
- A CD contains voice recording of all words to learn the pronunciation
- Areas of lexical grammar, prepositions, etc
- wide range of common topics eg, clothes, time, etc
- these all books contains more than 3000 words
Get Oxford word skills all books in one click:
I highly recommend you purchase a physical copy of these books. Physical copies are best to practice and use. however, ebooks are good but you may face many problems while learning like a distraction, blur words, etc. I have provided both links from the first link you can purchase these books and from the second link you can download oxford word skills:

The above-mentioned book is for those students who are new to IELTS. This book Contains Basic English Words. students can make their foundation strong by using the oxford word skills basic book. Elementary and pre-elementary students can use this book.

An intermediate version of oxford word skills is specially designed for the intermediate and upper-intermediate level of students. this book contains words that are a little difficult to learn and speak.