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Nowadays many people want to buy famous brands of clothes and other items which are the reason behind this



The lifestyle of people has undergone a dramatic change in recent decades. Most individuals have a desire to own luxurious, branded apparel, cars, and other goods. As per my viewpoint, it is counterproductive for society at large. This essay aims to shed light on a few of the causes and demerits of this phenomenon.

Body paragraph 1:

To commence with, the root of this trend is flamboyance. People of the modern world are
Becoming ostentatious and they want to boast about their possessions to earn respect and validation of the society. They click pictures with their belongings and post it on social media. In this way, they want to prove that they are affluent and should be respected. For instance, people can be seen in queues outside Apple stores whenever a new iPhone is released. Then they post the photographs with their new phones on Instagram and Facebook to gain popularity. Besides, another reason is clever marketing gimmicks and
advertisements for big multinational companies. These companies glorify their products by hiring celebrities. As people idolize the celebs, they also want to lay their hands on such products. Moreover, the companies deceive the consumers by using different tactics like Easy monthly instalments and credit card offers. People fall in the trap of such gimmicks and impulsively buy things that they cannot even afford.

Body paragraph 2:

 There are several negative implications of this trend on people. Firstly, they have become materialistic and always think that by buying a specific product, they will achieve happiness. For this, they get credit cards and loans. Then, it becomes a challenging task to repay their debts. Recent research conducted by the International Monetary Fund has revealed that more than sixty
per cent of individuals in developing countries spend more than they earn. Besides, this has also made people more vulnerable to neurological diseases such as stress, anxiety, and depression. When people are not able to buy something they desire, they often get stressed and start hating their financial condition.


Having discussed this topic at length, I would like to conclude that the pretentious nature of humans and the smart marketing tactics of companies are the primary culprits behind this trend. This is making people materialistic and debt-ridden, so it is a negative phenomenon for society as a whole

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Some people think that students who achieve the best academic result should be rewarded others believe it is more important to reward student who show improvement doubt discuss both views and give your opinion https://www.ieltsbid.in/some-people-think-that-students-who-html/ https://www.ieltsbid.in/some-people-think-that-students-who-html/#respond Mon, 30 Sep 2019 12:12:00 +0000 https://ieltsbid.in/?p=44 Some people think that students who achieve the best academic result should be rewarded others believe it is more important to reward the student who shows improvement doubt discuss both views and give your opinion Introduction: There are two schools of thought regarding which students ought to be honoured in schools. Some suggest that authorities …

Some people think that students who achieve the best academic result should be rewarded others believe it is more important to reward student who show improvement doubt discuss both views and give your opinion Read More »

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Some people think that students who achieve the best academic result should be rewarded others believe it is more important to reward the student who shows improvement doubt discuss both views and give your opinion


There are two schools of thought regarding which students ought to be honoured in schools. Some suggest that authorities need to reward the
toppers whereas others are in favour of rewarding
those educatees who get better grades from their
previous performance. I believe that we need to
acknowledge the performance of both types of

Body Paragraph 1:

Those who are in favour of rewarding the toppers

give valid reasons to solidify their viewpoint. First,
it is the fairest policy to appreciate the ones who
get the top grades. Such students undoubtedly work harder than others and persevere to get such grades. Hence, their efforts must not go unnoticed and therefore, they need to be appreciated by their mentors. If the schools do not appreciate them, they might feel their efforts were redundant and lose interest in studies. When the school authorities present them a trophy in front of other students they feel delighted and proud of themselves. Besides, seeing their classmates on the podium and getting recognition also inspires the underachievers to persevere and attain such

Body Paragraph 2:

Nevertheless, those who support honouring the
improvers also have convincing arguments.
Educatees who have shown significant
improvement from their previous performance
ought not to be neglected. It is impossible for every student to attain the top position. Hence, those who improve dramatically from their previous performance must also receive recognition. The authority must give them a consolation prize as this will motivate them to work even harder to achieve the first prize. For instance, a student improved from grade F to grade B has also done a commendable job. If enough attention is not paid to such students, they might become uninterested in studies.


Having discussed both the arguments, I take the
view that both viewpoints are cogent. Hence, I feel
that appreciating both types of learners is essential for the betterment of all the students. It is a fair policy to reward the toppers as they are better in studies than others whereas educatees who relatively get better grades must also not be
ignored and authorities must give them some
consolation prize to appreciate their good work.

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Recently pubublished figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around 50% over the past 50 years but can be do to protect the wildlife around the world https://www.ieltsbid.in/recently-pupublished-figures-show-that-html/ https://www.ieltsbid.in/recently-pupublished-figures-show-that-html/#respond Fri, 27 Sep 2019 16:02:00 +0000 https://ieltsbid.in/?p=47 Recently published figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around 50% over the past 50 years but can be done to protect the wildlife around the world Introduction: The number of wild animals is decreasing at an alarming rate in many countries. Many types of research have revealed that their …

Recently pubublished figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around 50% over the past 50 years but can be do to protect the wildlife around the world Read More »

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Recently published figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around 50% over the past 50 years but can be done to protect the wildlife around the world


The number of wild animals is decreasing at an alarming rate in many countries. Many types of research have revealed that their population has halved over the past fifty decades. This is indubitably a disturbing trend and several steps should be taken to reverse this.

Body paragraph 1:

To begin with, the root cause behind this unwelcome trend is the illegal logging of forests. Humans have been felling trees for many centuries for their selfish purpose. The rate of deforestation has surged in recent years due to the huge demand for homes and wood. Animals prosper in the wild and when their natural habitat t is snatched from them, they struggle to survive Consequently, many of them die and their number decreases. Therefore, the most effective way is strictly forbidden from happening. There should be a strict authority to penalize and punish the people who cut down trees. For instance, in India, there is a forest department that keeps track of the number of trees and different species of wildlife.

Body paragraph 2:

Besides, another method that can prove to be beneficial is prohibiting the hunting of wild
creatures. Many avaricious organizations pay huge money for dead bodies of animals and as a result, people hunt them and sell their bodies to such organizations. For instance, elephants war killed for their tusks and tigers is killed because their body parts are used for making medicines. Hence, punishing and penalizing animal hunters can increase the number of royal creatures. The regime has to take all the necessary steps to stop such reprehensible activities. For instance, back in the year 2008, only 1400 tigers were left in India. Indian government implemented stringent rules and stopped this black market trade at once. Due to this, presently, more than five thousand tigers are living in India.


Having discussed the topic in detail, I would like to conclude that a strict ban on logging of forest and hunting of animals is necessary to call this worrisome issue. The government needs to impose harsh penalties on the hunters and those who trade this in the black market.

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Financial education should be a mandatory component of primary school program . To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement https://www.ieltsbid.in/financial-education-should-be-mandatory-html/ https://www.ieltsbid.in/financial-education-should-be-mandatory-html/#comments Thu, 26 Sep 2019 15:55:00 +0000 https://ieltsbid.in/?p=48 Financial education should be a mandatory component of the primary school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement Introduction: Some Individuals recommend that elementary educational institutions ought to include financial education as a compulsory subject in their curriculum. I take the view that it is a commendable idea as it …

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Financial education should be a mandatory component of the primary school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement


Some Individuals recommend that elementary educational institutions ought to include financial education as a compulsory subject in their curriculum. I take the view that it is a commendable idea as it can be productive for kids in several ways.

Body Paragraph 1:

Looking on the bright side, it is indubitable that money plays a vital role in every person’s life. We often hear so many stories about how extremely rich people lose all their money due to overspending and bad investments. Hence, in order to become financially sound and secure, money management skills are invaluable. Besides, as kids are naïve, it is usually seen that they spend money on redundant things and then demand more pocket money from their parents. If parents provide them with extra money, they become extravagant and if parents do not give them extra money, they become aggressive and violent. Consequently, kids never learn about how money is earned and the efforts their parents have to make for earning money. Learning about terms like profit, loss, and savings can make them thrifty  

Body Paragraph 2:

Nevertheless, the drawbacks of implementing such a policy must not be neglected. Firstly, schoolchildren are already overburdened with challenging subjects such as history, mathematics, and science. An extra subject will put more pressure on them. Besides, this is a tricky subject and it can be a challenging task for children to comprehend it. Therefore, the school authorities ought to reduce the coursework of some other subjects so that kids do not
feel overburdened with studies.


Having discussed the merits and demerits in detail, I would like to conclude that even though it can be tough for pupils to get a hold of this subject, still, it can give
them priceless knowledge about how to spend and save money wisely. This knowledge can enhance their monetary intelligence and prepare them for a better future

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In the past, museums stored information related to history and culture. However, nowadays, all this information can be found on the internet and hence, there is no need of museums. Do you agree or disagree? | Task 2 https://www.ieltsbid.in/in-past-museums-stored-information-html/ https://www.ieltsbid.in/in-past-museums-stored-information-html/#respond Wed, 25 Sep 2019 12:09:00 +0000 https://ieltsbid.in/?p=49          In the past, museums stored information related to history and culture. However, nowadays, all this information can be found on the internet and hence, there is no need for museums. Do you agree or disagree?                            Introduction: The relevance of …

In the past, museums stored information related to history and culture. However, nowadays, all this information can be found on the internet and hence, there is no need of museums. Do you agree or disagree? | Task 2 Read More »

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         In the past, museums stored information related to history and culture. However, nowadays, all this information can be found on the internet and hence, there is no need for museums. Do you agree or disagree?                           


The relevance of museums in this technological world has become a controversial topic. For so many decades, museums have played a significant role in treasuring the artefacts and knowledge of ancient cultures and traditions. However, some people take the view that museums are useless as all this information is easily accessible on various websites. I beg to differ from this standpoint.

Body Paragraph 1:

To begin with, it is indubitable that there are different websites that offer copious details regarding the different eras. Besides, anyone can easily see the vivid images of different kinds of paintings, antiques, and sculptures of yesteryears. For instance, if one needs to know
anything about Indian history, there are innumerable websites that offer insights into it. Consequently, some people feel it is just a waste.   of time and energy to visit museums to gather

Body paragraph 2:

Nevertheless, the internet cannot substitute museums. Museums are the places where
things related to our heritage are preserved with great care. Without proper care, these things can
be damaged, lost or misused. Hence, it is better to keep them in museums for public display. Besides, it is a great source of knowledge for school it is a great source of knowledge for school children as history is a mandatory part of their curriculum. Children are more likely to believe in
the things which they see in front of them. Hence, many schools organize trips to museums to aware
them of their roots. Additionally, it must also be kept in mind that there are a lot of websites
that give deceiving and inaccurate details. Therefore, to get accurate details regarding an era, Therefore, to get accurate details regarding an era, we need to visit museums.


Having discussed the topic in detail, I would like to conclude that even though the importance of
museums has diminished but still, these play a consequential role in society. These serve as a secure place to preserve our heritage and give precise details to the visitors.

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House is a basic need for everyone. some prople beleive that free housing should be provided by government for under priviledge and prople who cannot afford to buy a house. Discuss your opinion https://www.ieltsbid.in/house-is-basic-need-for-everyone-some-html/ https://www.ieltsbid.in/house-is-basic-need-for-everyone-some-html/#respond Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:18:00 +0000 https://ieltsbid.in/?p=51 House is a basic need for everyone. some people believe that free housing should be provided by the government for underprivileged and people who cannot afford to buy a house. Discuss your opinion Introduction: The global economy has advanced greatly over the past few centuries but still, there are many homeless people around the world. …

House is a basic need for everyone. some prople beleive that free housing should be provided by government for under priviledge and prople who cannot afford to buy a house. Discuss your opinion Read More »

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House is a basic need for everyone. some people believe that free housing should be provided by the government for underprivileged and people who cannot afford to buy a house. Discuss your opinion


The global economy has advanced greatly over the past few centuries but still, there are many homeless people around the world. Therefore, some considerate people believe that the regime ought to provide free houses to such unfortunate people. I take the view that even though it is a commendable suggestion still it is almost impossible to implement it.

Body Paragraph 1

To begin with, the supporters give valid reasons to solidify their viewpoint. Firstly, there are millions of people living under extreme poverty and they live in slums. As there are poor hygiene and sanitary conditions, they are vulnerable to water-borne diseases. The kids in such families suffer the most They do not get ambience to study and most of them drop out of their primary schools and start doing some menial jobs to make both ends meet. Hence, from a moral perspective, the regime must provide them dwellings to improve their standard of living

body paragraph 2

Nevertheless, constructing a house for every poor family is almost an impossible task for the
government as an extortionate amount of money has to be allocated for this task. In developing countries, the regime usually does not have such surplus money to invest. Hence, in order to collect such money, the regime will have to levy huge taxes on middle-class taxpayers. Consequently, the taxpayers will try their best to evade the taxes which will increase corruption and disbalance the financial situation. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, a more effective way is to make houses affordable for impoverished people. The government must construct affordable houses on the outskirts of the city with only the basic facilities. At a very low-interest rate, the public sector banks can provide loans to the impoverished This will put a less financial burden on the regime and even though it will not totally eradicate this issue, still it can increase the proportion of people who have a house. An
illustration of this scheme can be seen in India where the regime has been trying to curb this
problem using affordable housing schemes since the independence


Having discussed the topic in detail, I would like to conclude that providing free houses is an impractical approach to handle this problem as it can give birth to many other financial problems
Giving basic dwellings to poor at a subsidized price and providing financial assistance at low-interest rates can be a much more effective and rational approach to deal with this.

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Nowadays cultures of different countries are becoming more similar than they used to be.What are the reasons behind it? Is it a positive ora negative development? Give your own opinion and examples. https://www.ieltsbid.in/nowadays-cultures-of-different-html/ https://www.ieltsbid.in/nowadays-cultures-of-different-html/#respond Tue, 17 Sep 2019 17:05:00 +0000 https://ieltsbid.in/?p=52 Sample answer Introduction: It is a fact that differences between different cultures are vanishing as people’s behaviour and beliefs are becoming identical. There are several precursors that have brought about this change and as per my viewpoint, it is harmful to society at large Body paragraph 1: To begin with, the root cause behind this …

Nowadays cultures of different countries are becoming more similar than they used to be.What are the reasons behind it? Is it a positive ora negative development? Give your own opinion and examples. Read More »

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Sample answer


It is a fact that differences between different cultures are vanishing as people’s behaviour and beliefs are becoming identical. There are several precursors that have brought about this change and as per my viewpoint, it is harmful to society
at large

Body paragraph 1:

To begin with, the root cause behind this transition is globalization. As the world has
become a global village, people are transcending national frontiers for working and studying in other countries. When people relocate to other countries, they mix up with natives and start following the traditions and beliefs Consequently, immigrants become detached from their roots. Another reason is the internet Millennials, nowadays, rather than watching the cultural shows of their own region, prefer
watching western shows as these are more exciting. For instance, in India, the craze of attending folk shows and traditional fests is declining whereas the popularity of video
streaming websites such as Netflix and Amazon
prime is rising. As such shows have a great influence on people’s mindsets, they get impressed by the new things of other cultures and start questioning the validity of their own traditions and beliefs.

Body paragraph 2:

There are severe implications of this phenomenon in many societies. The primary disadvantage is the loss of cultural diversity. As people are getting farther from their culture, the moral values and ethics associated with different cultures are also dying. For instance, in India, it is a long-held tradition that children are expected to touch elderly people’s feet but kids nowadays feel ashamed of doing so as they feel it is uncool. Additionally, in the long term, this can be devastating for the hospitality and tourism sector. Presently, holidaymakers travel to different parts of the world to experience different kinds of traditional foods and customs of people. If everyone starts following the same culture, people will be uninterested in exploring other places.


Having discussed the topic in detail, I conclude that globalization and the prevalence of the internet are the major causes behind this trend. This phenomenon is harmful to people as cultural diversity is dying

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